Dots Circle
Who are we?
We are here to help you build aSuccessful brand
Dots Circle
We're Here To Make Your Business Succeed.

Social Media Marketing

Boost Your Brand's Online Presence with Our Expert Social Media Marketing Solutions.
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Media Production

Transform Your Vision into Captivating Media: Unleash the Power of Our Expert Media Production Services
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Brand Identity Design

Elevate Your Brand Identity: Unleash the Potential of Our Comprehensive Branding Services
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Our company is here to help you

We are a dynamic and innovative agency specializing in social media marketing and media production. With a passion for creativity and a deep understanding of digital trends, we help businesses like yours build a strong online presence and engage with their target audience in meaningful ways.

our success partners

Clinets Logos (Pizza Roma)
Clinets Logos (Track)
Clinets Logos (Eman Optics 2)
Clinets Logos (Genady)
Dots Circle
Shape 2

Dr. Amr Elgamal

".... بيبص في كل تفصيلة و بيهتم بكل تفصيلة مش بيعمل شغل و خلاص ..."

Zyad Abd Elaziz

".... شغالين مع بعض بقالنا حوالي سنة و ان شاء الله ربنا يكتبلنا الإستمرارية مع بعض، ناس محترمة جدا و ربنا يوفقهم دايما ..."

Dr. Rania Ibrahim

".... شغالين سوا بقالنا سنة دلوقتي، و بدأنا اننا نعمل صفحة للمكان و فرق في الشغل جدا ..."


what our customers say

We believe that the best way to understand the value of our products and services is through the genuine voices of those who have already benefited from them.

Our Team

meet our experts

We proudly introduce the talented individuals who make up our extraordinary team. They are the heart and soul behind our organization's success, each bringing their unique skills, expertise, and passion to the table.

Amr Elhandoum

Amr Elhandoum

Co-Founder & CEO
Zyad Habashy

Zyad Habashy

Co-Founder & Senior Graphic Designer